HPLC 2023

HPLC 2023

On June 18th 2023 we gave a short course on fundamental mass spectrometry at the HPLC 2023 in Duesseldorf. With 14 international participants we went on a lively journey through this instrument.

Title: A journey through a mass spectrometer – an interactive expedition

Abstract: This short course attempts to illustrate the journey of a molecule entering a mass spectrometer to finally hit the instruments detector - from a fundamental physical chemical perspective. We will explore the multitude of options for ionization, the subsequent pressure drop of up-to ten orders of magnitude as well as the various approaches, these instruments handle individual ions and guide them - in a wild adventurous ride - towards the detector. As in space missions, a mass spectrometer accelerates ions within microseconds to speeds that may be orders of magnitude larger than that of space flight rockets leaving Earth. However, care has to be taken as to not overheat and thus destroy fragile molecular structures in specific regions of the instrument. Where are these regions, what are the conditions prevailing here, how much heat is eventually imposed on the ions, and how do physical and chemical transformation processes alter the original, neutral mass information we are eventually seeking for? We are looking forward to welcoming you to a fascinating, space science analogous world. This course will allow you to explore and understand the inner life of instrumentation used in uncountable applications – from space missions to life science – by opening up the black box and eventually holding the essential components in your very hands.