1st visit @ BUW

official cooperation agreement

Dr. Kouassi Esaie Kouadio Appiah for a visit in our labs in November 2021

Dr. Kouassi Esaie Kouadio Appiah for a visit in our labs in November 2021

packing the instrument and some more equipment in August 2022

packing the instrument and some more equipment in August 2022

finally, two big boxes ready for shipping

finally, two big boxes ready for shipping in August 2022

All set up and running with an official inauguration at INPHB in May 2023 - note the beautiful yellow ribbon :-)

All set up and running. Official inauguration at INPHB in May 2023 - beautiful yellow ribbon :-)

1st visit @ BUW

With Francine Kouacou, Ruth Kouamé and Raïssa Amon the first three PhD students from the INP-HB in Côte d'Ivoire visited our labs in Wuppertal in June 2018. This was a fruitful and great experience for all of us. In order to run this on a regular basis and even extend it to a mutual exchange and joint research program we are currently looking for various ways of funding.

cooperation agreement

On May 14th 2018 Prof. Dr. Moustapha Sangaré from the Institut National Polytechnique Félix Houphouët-Boigny (INP-HB, Côte d'Ivoire) and the rector of the University of Wuppertal Prof. Dr. Lambert T. Koch signed a cooperation agreement.


The Physical Chemistry group headed by Prof. Dr. Thorsten Benter and the ipaMS headed by Dr. Hendrik Kersten plan a mutual exchange program for students and lecturers between the BUW and the INP-HB. We also envisage joint research activities in the field of modern analytical instrumentation and environmental research.

permanent loan of mass spectrometer to INPHB

In a significant stride towards fostering this collaboration and enhancing research capabilities, ipaMS has provided the Institut National Polytechnique Félix Houphouët-Boigny (INPHB) with a permanent loan of a Sciex API4000 triple quadrupole mass spectrometer. Collaborations of this nature not only elevate the involved institutions but also create opportunities for cross-disciplinary interactions. Researchers from the University of Wuppertal and INPHB will likely engage in knowledge-sharing, joint projects, and collaborative publications, fostering a network of experts united by a common pursuit of scientific excellence. Moreover, INPHB is now in the position to train next generation of skilled mass spectrometrists. 

During the months of November and December 2021, Dr. Kouassi Esaie Kouadio Appiah from INPHB visited our laboratories, where he underwent comprehensive training on the instrument. This training covered crucial aspects including installation, troubleshooting, data acquisition, and interpretation, ensuring a solid foundation in utilizing the technology effectively.

In August 2022, after having successfully navigated through numerous bureaucratic challenges, we reached the point of readiness to pack not only the instrument but also a range of supplementary equipment. This included essentials like a nitrogen generator, syringe pump, syringes, calibration solutions, and more. Ultimately, the packing process resulted in the preparation of two big boxes for shipping.

In November 2022 the boxes safely arrived at the INPHB and Dr. Kouassi Esaie Kouadio Appiah installed the system in January 2023. In May 2023, together with an electron microscope donated by the Zeiss AG, the instrument was part of an official inauguration ceremony  - cf. MS with yellow ribbon around it :-). 

We are very much looking forward to many more fruitful projects with the INPHB.