Welcome to the ipaMS website!

Welcome to the ipaMS website!

Welcome to the ipaMS website!

Welcome to the ipaMS website!

Welcome to the ipaMS website!

Welcome to the ipaMS website!

Dr. Kouassi Esaie Kouadio Appiah for a visit in our labs in November 2021

Welcome to the ipaMS website!

All set up and running with an official inauguration at INPHB in May 2023 - note the beautiful yellow ribbon :-)

Welcome to the ipaMS website!

about ipaMS

In 2011 eight local groups from science and engineering fields of the University of Wuppertal established the “institute for pure and applied mass spectrometry (ipaMS)” in order to advance research and teaching related to mass spectrometry. The name expresses the pursued integral picture of mass spectrometers, bringing together applicational and fundamental aspects.

The institute recalls and carries on the MS pioneers works regarding profound research, physically and chemically sound developments, applications and data interpretation.

In terms of the universities objectives "research and teaching" we provide a platform for other universities, research groups and external partners in the fundamental understanding, experience exchange, development and application of modern mass spectrometry and allied ion analytical methods.

Article about ipaMS in the BUW OUTPUT Nr. 19